New Publication – Action Sports Improves Health

Using the good work of Masters student Ryan Moynahan, with colleagues, we published a new paper in the Journal of Sport Behavior. Using the Salutogenic Wellness Promotion Scale for young adults and The H.E.A.L.T.H Model (see below the Holistic Ecological Assessment of Lifestyles for Total Health) for a guide, it was found that regular engagement in action sports improves health. Actions sports are non-traditional and possess risk, danger, rules and techniques atypical of traditional sports. Action sports include surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, eco-challenge, and rock climbing and the number of participants in these sports is growing faster than any other sport activity.

While this findings seems obvious, the study was done because generally we only hear about the dangers or injuries from  actions sports and not the benefits. As this study suggests, with proper precautions and training, similar health benefits as with participation in other sport activities is the result. Of course Risk Homeostasis Theory would suggest that only those who properly train would be involved in actions sports. If Dr. Wilde were initially looking at actions sports, it would seem the benefits of the risky behavior outweigh the benefits of safe behavior. Yet the assessment must go deeper. Engaging in actions sports without injury means they engaged in the cautious behavior of proper equipment, training, etc. so they could engage in action sports. This then is a case where the benefits of cautious behavior, being properly trained, drove them to take appropriate action.

As I say throughout my work, all of us desire to create pleasure so to help make this happen we need to highlight the benefits of actions that improve quality of life that encourages  actions from which everyone and everything benefit. Any way you look at, this interesting paper documents that health benefits and more accrue from involvement in actions sports. If you are interested you can access the article at:

Shores, K., Becker, C. M., Moynahan, R., Williams, R., & Cooper, N. (2015). The Relationship of Youth Adults’ Health and Their Sports Participation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 38 (3), 306-320. (see JSB-Relationshp of Hlth & Sport part)

Color H.E.A.L.T.H. Model


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